transfer function from R(s) to E(s) and determine the steady-state error (ess) for a unit-step reference input (c) Select the system parameters (k, kP, kI) such that the closed-loop system has damping coefficient ζ = 0.707 Figure Control system diagram.
hope this helps
A roller picture has a front roll of 1.3m diameter by 1.7m long and two rear wheel each of 2.6m diameter
1. From the sizes given for the road roller calculate:
A) The surface area of the front drum (ignore material thickness)
B) The volume of the front roll in litres if the end plates are set in 75mm from each end of the roll and the thickness of the material is 20mm.
C) If one gallon=4.57 litres, calculate in gallons, the amount of water that can be held in the front roll.
D) The ratio in size of the front roll diameter to the rear wheel diameter.
E) The distance travelled by the rear wheel when the front roll turns one revolution, and state this as a percentage of one full revolution.